Featured Producers

Nathan Griess

Nathan Griess

Assistant Manager at Griess Farms

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In a recent Popular Pig podcast, SwineTech Founder and CEO Matthew Rooda catches up with Nathan Griess, Assistant Manager at Griess Farms. Nathan shares the history of Griess Farms, his journey into agriculture, and how PigFlow has revolutionized their farm operations.

Improved Communication Between Management and Employees

Q. How has PigFlow improved communication between management and employees?

Improved Team Communication and Workflow

Q. How has PigFlow helped in organizing tasks and preventing employees from getting lost or wandering around?

Initial Thoughts and Challenges

Q. What were your initial thoughts and challenges before starting with PigFlow?

Engagement and Transparency

Q. How has PigFlow changed the engagement and transparency among your team?

Enhanced Wean Projections and Planning

Q. How has PigFlow improved your ability to project wean numbers and plan accordingly?

Want to hear more?

Listen to the full Popular Pig podcast episode where you’ll…

  • Explore the Griess family’s journey through agriculture and pig production.
  • Learn about the technological advancements that have fueled production growth at Griess Farms.
  • Discover how PigFlow has improved team communication and efficiency.
  • Hear Nathan Griess’s “Golden Nugget” on embracing persistence and adaptability in the swine industry.

Prop 12 Compliance Simplified

Discover the ease of compliance with PigFlow®.